Are you in urgent need of cash to pay off your store, credit, utility or grocery bills? If yes, then you can take advantage of a payday loan to pay off debt and get momentary relief from your emergency financial crisis.
Payday loan – What it means
Payday loans are short term cash advances, which are generally given to you against your next months salary. You can take a payday loan to pay off debt toward any bill. You can even take the loan to make the minimum payment towards your mortgage.
All you have to do is give a post-dated check to the lender, this will include the loan amount, transaction costs and the interest. The lender will get back his money by processing the check on your next payday. The pricing model is very simple, for every $100 you need to pay a fee of $25. So, if you borrow $1500, you need to pay back $1850.
Eligibility criteria for getting the loan
Prior to giving you the loan, the lender takes into consideration the following factors:
• Bank account: You should have a valid bank account. You need to provide the lender with the bank statement of the last 3 to 6 months.
• Fixed income: You should have a permanent job and a regular income. As proof of your income, you need to furnish salary stubs for the last 3 months.
• Age and residence: In order to get the loan your age should be at least 18 years and you have to be an American citizen.
Benefits of a payday loan
Some of the advantages of a payday loan are:
• You can get the loan for any reason
• You may get the loan instantly
• You don’t need a very good credit score to get the loan
• Minimum paperwork is required to get the loan
• You can solve temporary credit problems with this loan
• You can apply for payday loans online
Nevertheless, you should remember to only take out a payday loan from a reliable and authentic payday lender. When you take out a payday loan, you should make sure to pay off the debt with your next paycheck.